Also, if I know anything about your clock, I will also post a comment for you. If these visitors have knowledge of your clock, they can post comments about it here. You can post your clock here for other visitors to see. This clock forum page may be able to help. However you might end up with your special clock, you probably would like to identify, date and generally learn more about it. Some people will see a clock at an antique store that would look good in a certain room of their house, and end up with it that way. The question I get most from the comment form on this web site is: “What can you tell me about this clock?” Most people do not collect antique clocks per se, but end up with one or two clocks that were handed down from family members. I have concentrated on the American clock companies for my collection, so there is much for me to learn about clocks from outside the US. I’m still a long way from knowing everything though. There are so many styles and types of clocks, made by so many clock makers and from so many countries, that I was totally lost. When I first started my antique clock collection, the first thing I noticed was how little I knew about the clocks I had.